Transform your stress, anxiety and limiting beliefs in minutes
Meet Abid

Abid's goal is to help you condense your healing journey from years into weeks by tapping into your subconscious mind.
After a quarter-life crisis, Abid needed to find the simplest way to create lasting transformation. He subsequently spent several years learning from global teachers about how to tap into the subconscious and overcome stress, anxiety and limiting beliefs in minutes.
Abid has worked with hundreds of clients in 30+ countries ranging from CEOs and Entrepreneurs to Olympic Athletes and Billionaires. Abid is a certified PSYCH-K® Facilitator, NLP master practitioner, and Subconscious Specialist.

Zina, Venture Capital
After I did ONE session with Abid, all of my anxiety has gone and all of my limiting beliefs have gone!

Mark, CEO
I've worked with other coaches in the past and though each program had its own place, yours was by far the most transformational experience for me. And you consistently brought a lot of wisdom to each session!

Holly, Entrepreneur
I have had chronic anxiety for most of my life, at least over 20 years...Within the first session with Abid, my anxiety was COMPLETELY transformed